Atari Flashback

Atari Flashback
Manufacturer Atari Inc.
Generation Sixth generation era
Retail availability 2004
Predecessor Atari Paddle Controller TV Video Game System
Successor Atari Flashback 2

The Atari Flashback, Atari Flashback 2, Atari Flashback2+ and Atari Flashback 3 are dedicated video game consoles marketed by Atari Inc. in 2004, 2005 and 2010, then AtGames in 2011. They are preprogrammed with classic Atari 2600 and Atari 7800 console games from the 1970s and 1980s built in, and do not use ROM cartridges.

The systems are powered by an AC adapter (included), come with a pair of joystick controllers, and use standard composite video and monaural audio RCA plugs to connect to a television.


Atari Flashback

The Atari Flashback was released in 2004. The console resembled an Atari 7800 in appearance, and came with a pair of controllers which resembled those of the Atari 7800 but were slightly smaller. The system had twenty games built-in, all originally developed by Warner Communication's Atari Inc. and Atari Corp. for the 2600 and 7800 game systems. The games which originally required analog paddle controllers were made to work with the included joysticks.

It was designed by Atari veteran Curt Vendel, whose company Legacy Engineering Group designs other home video game and video arcade products. Atari Inc. gave Legacy Engineering ten weeks to design the product, produce its games, and ready it for the 2004 Winter holiday season. The Atari Flashback was based on "NES-on-a-chip" hardware, not resembling either of the Atari systems which the Flashback was supposed to represent. As a result, the games it contained were ports and differed in varying degrees from the original games, and therefore the Flashback was unpopular with some purists.

Included games

One game, Saboteur (originally designed by Howard Scott Warshaw), was advertised as "unreleased"; though never part of the Atari lineup, it was sold at the Philly Classic 5 convention in 2004.

Atari 2600
Atari 7800

Atari Flashback 2

Atari Flashback 2
Manufacturer Atari Inc.
Generation Seventh generation era
Retail availability July 24, 2005
Predecessor Atari Flashback
Successor Atari Flashback 3

The Atari Flashback 2, the successor to the original Atari Flashback console, was released in 2005. It has forty Atari 2600 games built-in. A few of the included games are homebrews which were created by enthusiasts in recent years, and two of the games (Pitfall! and River Raid) were originally published by Activision.

The appearance of the Atari Flashback 2 is reminiscent of the original Atari 2600 console from 1977. It is roughly two-thirds the size of the original, and much lighter in weight. The Flashback 2 console has five buttons (power, reset, left and right difficulty toggles, and select); on the back it has a color/black-and-white slider switch and two ports for the included joysticks. The joysticks bear very close similarity to the original Atari 2600 joysticks from 1977, and are compatible and interchangeable with them. The Flashback 2 does not come with paddle controllers, but original paddle controllers can be connected to it and used with its paddle-based games.

Curt Vendel and Legacy Engineering returned to develop the Flashback 2. Unlike the original Flashback console, the Flashback 2 contains a single-chip version of circuitry designed by Vendel; it is a reproduction of the original circuitry in that of the original Atari 2600. Therefore, the Atari Flashback 2 runs games just as they ran on an original console. The Atari Flashback 2 project was codenamed "Michele", after Vendel's wife. Her name is printed on the motherboard.

Marty Goldberg, owner of the Electronic Entertainment Museum, was the technical writer for the packed in manual and full design of the online manual. Because of changes in game content during the development and problems with the graphic design company keeping edit revisions straight, the manual which comes with the Flashback 2 has several errors in it including typos. For example, contrary to the manual there is no two-player mode in Centipede, and there is no connected-ship gameplay in Space Duel. Likewise in the description of Save Mary "Barnaby just blew up the nearby damn" appears.

Included games

The available games are arranged into four categories selectable from an on-screen menu. Once a game is selected, the only way back to the menu is to use the power button to turn the console off and on again.

The games listed below as hacks used other games' code as a starting point and modified their gameplay or appearance. Homebrews were written from scratch by Atari fans in the 1990s and 2000s. Unreleased prototypes are games which were developed by Atari Inc. in the 1970s and 1980s but never sold to consumers; some of these games may have bugs or be incomplete. A few of the games listed are new and exclusive to the Flashback 2.

Adventure Territory

Arcade Favorites

Skill and Action Zone

  • 3D Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Aquaventure (unreleased prototype)
  • Atari Climber (homebrew), released in 2004 as Climber 5
  • Combat
  • Combat 2 (unreleased prototype)
  • Dodge 'Em
  • Fatal Run (only released in Europe)
  • Frog Pond (unreleased prototype)
  • Hangman
  • Human Cannonball

Space Station

Paddle Games

The console also includes two hidden titles which require the use of paddle controllers. The Flashback 2 does not come with paddle controllers, so these games cannot be played unless the user has an original set of Atari 2600 paddle controllers. To access the hidden paddle game menu, the user must press up on the joystick 1 time, pull down 9 times, push up 7 times, and pull down 2 times (this represents the year 1972, in which Pong first appeared). The code must be entered steadily and without pauses (enter it too quickly and it won't work).

Test screens

Controller test screens can be accessed by holding down the select and reset buttons while pressing the power button to turn on the console. With the color/black-and-white switch set to 'color', the joystick test screen will appear; with it set to black-and-white, the paddle test screen will appear. These test screens allow a gamer to test controller inputs as well as the console's colors and sounds. On the paddle test screen, if joysticks are plugged in as opposed to paddle controllers, the game Off the Wall can be accessed and played by moving right with the left controller.


There have so far been three revisions of the Atari Flashback 2.

A few of the included games, such as Lunar Lander, exhibit some flicker. This is due to limitations in the original Atari 2600 hardware, which the Flashback 2 reproduces accurately. Curt Vendel noted that the games exclusive to the Flashback 2 were programmed under a strict schedule, and later commissioned developers to tweak these games in order to reduce flickering [3]. Some of these revisions were included with the Atari Flashback 2+, released in 2010 (see below).

Rev. D is the Atari Flashback Portable with support for all games with the exception of Pitfall 2 and the Supercharger games. This new chip will also have built in LCD driver lines, and USB connectivity support and built in Flash RAM for games storage. No official word on when Atari Inc. will release this revision.

Adding a cartridge port

While the original Atari 2600 consoles had a cartridge slot, the Atari Flashback 2 does not include one. However, a hobbyist can easily modify a Flashback 2 to use Atari 2600 cartridges, and can even install a switch across certain points of the motherboard so that the console can be easily set to play the forty built-in games again. The motherboard is printed with several solder points and a guide to what contact points associate with which cartridge pinouts. Complete details regarding the cartridge modification can be found at


In an interview with The Escapist, Curt Vendel remarked, "Flashback 2 did exceptionally well. 860,000 sold in U.S./domestic."[1]

Atari Flashback 2+

In January 2010, Atari announced pre-orders for the Atari Flashback 2+, to be released on February 22, 2010.[2] General Mills simultaneously announced a giveaway sweepstakes for the console, along with other Atari related merchandise, in conjunction with its Honey Nut Cheerios cereal.[3]

Included games

The bulk of the included games in the Atari Flashback 2+ are the same. However, Pitfall, River Raid, Wizard, Caverns of Mars, and Atari Climber have been removed. In exchange, a sports section was added that included the games Realsports Boxing, Realsports Soccer, Super Baseball, Super Football, and Double Dunk.[2] A third 'hidden' game, Circus Atari, was added to the 'hidden' menu that features the paddle-controller only games Warlords and Super Breakout.

Console Differences

Aside from the games, the cosmetic differences between the FB2 and the newer FB2+ are that the latter console sports a plus (+) sign and larger text for "Classic Gaming Console". Also the 'fuji' Atari symbol on the original FB2 resembles the newer Hasbro-era fuji, whereas the FB2+ fuji resembles the original Atari fuji of the 1970s.

Atari Flashback 3

Atari Flashback 3
Manufacturer AtGames
Generation Seventh generation era
Retail availability 2011
Predecessor Atari Flashback 2/2+

In 2011 Atari licensed out Legacy Engineering's Flashback concept and name to AtGames for the "Flashback 3".[4] The Flashback 3 includes 60 built-in Atari 2600 games, 2 joysticks, and a case design that is similar to the Flashback 2/2+ design, except for front-based joystick ports, no B/W switch, and a different curvature. Internally the Flashback 3 system uses emulation running on an ARM-based processor instead of Legacy's "2600-on-a-chip" and is not hackable to add a cartridge port for reading original Atari 2600 cartridges. Original 2600 joysticks and paddles will also work on this system however.

Included games

See also


External links